My mom, as well as many other Brazilian moms, have a mania (pronounced mah-knee-ah, NOT may-knee-ah), or habit, of seeing fruit that’s going bad and turning it into something it can become while going bad… So as not to waste it. I realized this past weekend that I’m starting to develop the saammee habit. Sunday morning, as I was eating breakfast, I realized someone had hidden a few bananas deep into our fruit/bread/anything really basket and they didn’t look too appetizing. So I looked into our cabinets and fridge, and realized I had ingredients to bake a banana cake! And I did… I found a great little Bolo de Banana recipe online and added my own adaptations and it came out pretty good!
Here’s the recipe I used with Brazilian names and measurements and all, and then the English speaking/American version –
Bolo de Banana da Poly 🙂
- 1 xícara (chá) de açúcar
- 2 xícaras (chá) de farinha de soja (mas pode usar de trigo também!)
- 1 xícara (chá) de leite
- 1 colher (sopa) de fermento em pó
- 5 colheres (sopa) de margarina
- 2 ovos grandes
- 4 bananas cortadas em fatias
- açúcar e canela para polvilhar
Modo de Preparo
- Misture bem o açúcar, a farinha, a margarina, o ovo, o leite, o fermento, e uma das bananas com uma colher em uma vasilha média
- Coloque a massa numa forma untada com margarina e polvilhada com farinha de trigo
- Por cima, distribua as bananas cortadas
- Finalize polvilhando bastante açúcar com canela
- Leve para assar em forno médio por 20-30 minutos
Poly’s Banana Cake 🙂
- 2/3 cups sugar
- 1 1/2 cups soy flour (but you can use wheat flour too! We’re just on a “healthier options diet” at home)
- 2/3 cups milk (can be 2% or whole… anything less might not work out too well)
- 1 tablespoon baking powder
- 5 tablespoons of margarine
- 2 large eggs
- 4 bananas cut in slices
- sugar and cinnamon to sprinkle on cake
- Mix the sugar, flour, margarine, eggs, milk, baking powder and one of the bananas in a medium bowl
- Place the mix in a baking pan that has been greased with margarine and powdered with flour
- Distribute the bananas over the mix in the pan, covering the entire cake
- Finish by powdering sugar and cinnamon (preferably mixed beforehand), to taste, over the bananas
- Cook on medium heat in the over for 20-30 minutes (my oven’s really small, so it was ready in 20 minutes!)
If you try it and like it, let me know!! Maybe I’ll post more “uh-oh, my fruit’s going bad” recipes here soon if you do!
Wonderful way to learn more portuguese words.
Keep it on
I love the style, I’ll ask my brazilian wife to
Do it for me.
@rami thanks! lucky you, a Brazilian bride who can bake!
Andrea Marinho-Phillips:
Obrigada Polyana…vou tentar essa receita agora mesmo, quero aproveitar umas bananas ja muito maduras.
Simply delicious and super easy to make! Thanks for sharing this recipe!