Archive for 'Uncategorized'
A foreigner’s experience in Brazil – An interview Posted by carol on Oct 18, 2018

Olá a todos! Hello to all! Como vocês têm passado? How have you been doing? As Portuguese learners, it is likely that some of you have considered the possibility of coming to Brazil someday. Some of you might even be already. If so, what is it like? Based on this curiosity, I have conducted a series…
Cell phone vocab in Portuguese Posted by carol on Aug 24, 2018

Olá, caros leitores! Hello, dear readers! Question for you: are you reading this on your computer or your phone? Either way, it is undeniable that we use our phones all the time for a variety of purposes, be it for reading work-related e-mails, chatting with friends, reading the news, using social media, playing games, getting…
[Brazilian music] – Aquarela do Brasil Posted by carol on Jan 20, 2018
Boa tarde, meu povo! Good afternoon, my people! Estão no clima para um samba? Are you in the mood for some samba? One of the most popular and iconic músicas (songs) to talk about our country is the legendary Aquarela do Brasil. You have probably ouviu (heard) it before even if you’re not Brazilian! It…
Speaking-related expressions in Portuguese Posted by carol on Nov 24, 2017

[Expressões relacionadas à comunicação em Português] Ei, galera! Hey, guys! Developing communication and speaking skills is a fundamental part of learning a foreign language. This is why expressing yourself orally and interacting with others is the best way to consolidate you abilities. Today’s post will focus on teaching words and collocations related to speaking and…
Rock in Rio 2017 Posted by carol on Sep 30, 2017

Ei, galera! Hello, guys! Como vocês estão hoje? How are you feeling today? From September 15th to 24th, the Rock in Rio festival, one of the principais e maiores (main and largest) musical events do mundo (in the world) since its first edition in 1985, hosted over trinta (30) attractions each day throughout cinco (5)…
The verb ‘passar’ in Portuguese – Part II Posted by carol on Jul 13, 2017
Olá a todos! Hey, everybody! Como vocês têm passado? How have you been? Last week we saw that passar in Portuguese can have multiple definitions. Now how about we take a look at some collocations and expressions with the verb to learn even more? Come on, vai passar rapidinho! (We’ll get through it very quickly!)…
[Brazilian Slang] – The “aff” in Portuguese Posted by carol on Jun 21, 2017

[Gírias brasileiras] – O “aff” em português Oi, gente! Hey, guys! Whoever wants to become fluent in a certain language should also conhecer (get to know) the gírias (slang) and informal terms that speakers have been currently using. If you interact with Brazilians online, you have probably come across the expression aff at least once…