Portuguese Language Blog

Brrr, It’s Cold! Posted by on Jul 6, 2011 in Brazilian News, Vocabulary

While in the Northern Hemisphere, we’re enjoying summer, in the south of Brazil, it’s getting cold! Let’s take a look at some weather news and vocabulary.

In Santa Catarina, it is getting very chilly. According to this article, they’re experiencing subzero temperatures (Celsius, that is):

Ao menos 30 cidades da região Sul registraram temperaturas negativas na madrugada de ontem. Urubici, na serra catarinense, amanheceu com 6,2C negativos e a sensação térmica na cidade chegou a 27C negativos. É um frio equivalente ao sentido por habitantes de países como a Noruega e regiões próximas aos polos Sul e Norte.

Based on the text, what do you think “sensação térmica”means?

In São Paulo, the temperatures had the city on alert:

A tarde de hoje registrou nebulosidade intensa e temperaturas baixas na capital. Segundo o Centro de Gerenciamento de Emergências (CGE), as temperaturas máximas encontravam-se próximas de 15ºC às 16h, de acordo com as estações meteorológicas automáticas da Consolação, Freguesia do Ó e Tremembé. Foi a tarde mais fria de 2011.

What were some of the lowest temperatures recorded in the area?

Meanwhile, in Rio de Janeiro, it wasn’t quite as chilly, even though it was the coldest afternoon of the year:

A cidade do Rio de Janeiro registrou hoje a tarde mais fria do ano. Na Vila Militar, em Realengo, na zona oeste, os termômetros marcaram 18,6ºC. Anteriormente, a menor máxima havia sido registrada no dia 28 de maio, em Marambaia, com 21,9ºC.

What was the temperature in Rio today, in Fahrenheit?

Here’s the weather report from Monday.

What kind of weather were they having on the coast of Rio and São Paulo?

Answers after the jump.


1. Feels like [ ] degrees (temperature that it feels like, with humidity and wind chill)

2. 65 degrees

3. Between 8 and 11 degrees Celsius

4. Rain

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  1. Tim Floripa:

    Based on what I’m feeling here in Santa Catarina I think “sensação térmica” means it is so cold you feel like you will die soon, it means all your friends in Rio will be laughing at you when you tell them that you take the beer out of the refrigerator if you want it bem gelada. It means whatever weather is in Rio and São Paulo is the kind of weather the Catarinenses think they have but don’t so instead of having insulated houses with fireplaces, we have frozen feet in our chinelos and frozen other parts in our sungas.

  2. Patricio:

    I don’t know what it means but will she marry me?

  3. Viviane:

    Let me give you a clue: “sensação térmica” means it’s cold, but you have the feeling that it’s colder than it really is, indeed… (for example).