Archive for 'Grammar'
Wordle in Portuguese? Posted by carol on Jan 31, 2022

Fala, pessoal. Tudo bom? If you’ve checked as redes sociais (social media) lately, you probably noticed some of your amigos e parentes (friends and relatives) sharing an enigmatic picture composed of tiny coloful quadrados (squares). I was intrigued myself, until a friend introduced me to the captivating Wordle. The story behind it is quite touching…
More false diminutives in Portuguese Posted by carol on Jun 24, 2021

Olá, pessoal! Tudo certinho? As I told you in our previous post, the list of false diminutives in Portuguese can be long and language learners should be aware of them to avoid any possible misunderstandings (as we’ll see below!). So the time has come for part 2. Vamos nessa? Galinha | Hen É a fêmea…
What are the false diminutives in Portuguese? Posted by carol on May 31, 2021

Olá, amigos leitores! Hoje bateu um friozinho aqui no Brasil, então a melhor coisa para este tempinho é tomar uma sopinha. If you are a frequent reader of our texts, probably the words “friozinho“, “tempinho” and “sopinha” are not strange to you. They, like many others, are part of Brazilian spoken language. No matter the…
How to use ‘render’ in Portuguese Posted by carol on Jul 31, 2020

Olá amigos leitores! Hello, readers! Are you guys still working from home or are you back in the office? Many people complain about home office claiming that o trabalho não rende tanto (work is not as productive), do you agree? But before answering this question, it is important to understand the meaning of the verb…
Test your Portuguese skills! Posted by carol on Jun 30, 2020

Olá amigos leitores, hoje é dia de quiz! Hello, dear readers, it’s quiz day! But not on any subject, we will be covering two of the most challenging verbs in Portuguese: ser and estar. Before moving to the questions, let’s review their meaning and usage first to get you ready to take the quiz! The…
How to say ‘call’ in Portuguese Posted by carol on Nov 26, 2019

You might remember the scene: two men are standing on the sidewalk, one of them asks the other: call me a cab! to which the other replies: you’re a cab! Well, these two are none other than the great Gene Kelly and Donald O’Connor in the unforgettable 1952 musical Singing in the Rain. In addition…
The verb ‘adiantar’ in Portuguese Posted by carol on Feb 25, 2019

Olá a todos os leitores! Hello to all readers! Como estão se sentindo hoje? How are you feeling today? Aproveitaram o domingo? Depois não adianta reclamar que a segunda-feira chegou, ein? Did you enjoy your sunday? Don’t complain about Monday later, huh? Are you guys familiar with the verb adiantar in Portuguese? If not, vou…