Children’s day in Brazil/ Children vocabulary Posted by carol on Oct 16, 2017 in Brazilian News, Brazilian Profile, Culture, Customs, Learning, Vocabulary
[Dia das crianças no Brasil]
Olá, pessoal! Hello everybody!
Last Thursday, on October 12th, we celebrated Dia das Crianças (Children’s day) in Brazil. Even though United Nations and Unesco have declared November 20th as Universal Children’s Day, the date is commemorate around the world in many different days. In Portugal and many other countries, for example, June 1rst is when they chose to honor and promote children’s welfare.
In Brazil, since we are mainly a catholic country, October 12th is a national holiday because it is also the day of Nossa Senhora de Aparecida (Our Lady of Aparecida), our patron saint. The tradition here during this day is for children to receive many gifts from their parents. Schools, cultural centers, shoppings malls and other places prepare games, plays and many children-related activities to celebrate the occasion.
Not let’s see some words related to children and childhood in order to expand your vocabulary and practice for this special day!
criança – child, kid
bebê – baby
infância – childhood
brinquedo – toy
brincar – play
divertir-se – have fun
jogo – game
desenhar – draw
cuidar de – take care of
mãe – mother
pai – father
pais – parents
escola – school
alunos – students
recreio – recess
parquinho – playground
pequeno(a) – little, small
crescer – to grow up
criar – raise
menino – boy
menina – girl
filho – son
filha – daughter
filhos – children, offspring
amigo(a) – friend
amizade – friendship
família – family
desenho animado – cartoon
idade – age
doce – candy
babá – babysitter
- Now take a look at some examples using the vocabulary above:
- Você pode assistir desenho animado depois que terminar seu para-casa (You can watch cartoons once you finish your homework)
- Júlia trouxe os amigos aqui em casa para jogar videogame (Júlia brought her friends home to play videogame)
- Contratamos uma babá para cuidar das crianças enquanto estivermos viajando (We hired a babysitter to take care of the children while we are away)
- Crianças geralmente aprendem a ler na idade de seis anos (Children usually learn how to read at the age of six)
- Vocês já descobriram se o seu bebê vai ser menino ou menina? (Did you find out if your baby is going to be a boy or a girl?)
- Meus pais sempre vem me buscar na escola (My parents always pick me up at school)
- Eles crescem tão rápido! (They grow up so fast!)
- As crianças estão brincando no quintal (The children are playing in the yard)
- Criar um filho exige muito carinho e dedicação (Raising a child demands a lot of care and dedication)
- É um filme para toda a família assistir junta! (It’s a movie for the whole family to watch together)
- Ganhei muitos brinquedos no natal (I got many toys for christmas)
- Não comam doces antes do almoço! (Don’t eat candy before lunch)
- Você ainda é muito pequeno para andar de montanha-russa (You are still too small to ride the rollercoaster)
- Nosso recreio dura trinta minutos (Our recess lasts thirty minutes)
- Pedi meus alunos para desenharem uma casa (I asked my students to draw a house)
- Feliz dia das crianças! Happy children’s day!
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