Portuguese Language Blog

Collective Nouns in Portuguese: Animals Posted by on May 24, 2011 in Learning

While these nouns aren’t as vital to daily conversation as some other nouns you’ll learn here, they’ll help you sound like a much more experienced speaker. Today, we’re going to learn about animal collectives, or coletivos.

alcateia = pack (of wolves, hyenas, wild dogs)

cáfila = caravan of camels

cardume = school of fish

enxame = swarm (of insects, like bees)

manada = herd of animals (including but not limited to elephants, cattle, donkeys, and horses)

matilha = pack of dogs

ninhada = litter (of baby dogs or cats); brood

rebanho = flock of sheep or goats

revoada, bando, nuvem = flock of birds

And my favorite…

panapaná = rabble/swarm of butterflies

Can you think of any other animal collectives in Portuguese?

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  1. Ukuleledaddy:

    Thanks for the new words. Could you list examples of the corresponding animals so we can see how to use them? I am wondering if they are always plural… Do I say, um cardume de peixes or um cardume de peixe?

  2. Andorinha:

    I had this topic on my classes, because I’m studying portuguese filology in Cracow, and I can share with some words,
    vara- um grupo de porcos
    canzoada-um grupo de cães de caça
    récua – um grupo de bestas de carga
    junta- uma parelha de bois ou vacas

    Thanks a lot for your blog, it’s really intresting and helpful, so go on! Excellent work!

    Boa sorte e beijinhos 🙂

  3. Raphael Soares:

    More collectives:
    – Claque – Grupo de pessoas que são pagas para aplaudir
    – Boada – grupo de borboletas
    – Chusma – coletivo pessoas
    – Multidão – também pessoas
    – Choldra – grupo de marginais
    – Tropa – grupo de soldados, cavalos ou burros

  4. André:

    caramba, eu que sou brasileiro, nunca ouvi falar desse panapaná.
    que palava estranha.