Brazilian desserts and treats are out of this world. One thing you must try in Brazil is brigadeiro. It comes in different forms (I’ve had brigadeiro coffee at a mall in Manaus and bought tubs of it at Carrefour) and is super sweet. However, I prefer to make it at home! Check out my favorite recipe:
Ingredientes (Ingredients)
Uma lata de leite condensado (One can of condensed milk)
Uma colher de manteiga ou margarina (One spoonful of butter or margarine)
4 colheres de chocolate em pó (4 spoonfuls of powdered chocolate)
Modo de preparo (Preparation)
Misture todos os ingredientes na panela com fogo médio. Esquente até ficar difícil para misturar. Fique misturando todo o tempo. Depois, coloque na geladeira.
Mix all of the ingredients in the pan on medium heat. Heat everything until it’s difficult to mix. While you’re heating it, keep mixing it the entire time. After, put it in the fridge.
I usually eat it out of a bowl or put it on a cake. Some people roll brigadeiro into bolinhos (balls) and eat it that way. A great accent for brigadeiro is chocolate sprinkles. Try it! Here’s a good video with a slightly different recipe:
I'm an English/Portuguese Teacher from rural New York. My second home is in Manaus, Brazil. When I'm not teaching languages, I'm firefighting or playing with my dogs!