July is a month where most schools are on break, making most of us whose families have children or college aged folk take some time off from work as well. It’s a winter break where here in the south east of Brazil we use to escape to the sunny north east or Brazilians in general flee to Chile to ski… or at least those who can afford it!
Winter in Brazil can actually be quite chilly in some states and there are a number of fun things that go on and food people normally prepare that’s different from the warmer months. So let’s work on some of our winter vocabulary!
inverno – winter
Este inverno tem sido muito frio.
This winter has been very cold.
esquiar – to ski
Mês que vem vou ao Chile esquiar!
I’m going to Chile next month to ski!
casaco – coat
Preciso comprar um casaco mais quente porque a minha jaqueta não basta.
I need to buy a warmer coat because my jacket hasn’t been enough.
lareira – fireplace
Vamos acendar a lareira hoje a noite?
Want to light a fire in the fireplace tonight?
coberta – blanket
Preciso de mais uma coberta nesse frio!
I need one more blanket in this cold (weather)!
cachecol – scarf
Comprei um cachecol colorido, muito lindo!
I bought a gorgeous colorful scarf!
chocolate quente – hot chocolate
Você esquenta o leite para fazermos chocolate quente?
Will you warm some milk so we can make hot chocolate?
Can you guys think of other “winter in Brazil” vocabulary?