Olá, pessoal! Tudo bem?
You know when you are certai that something is going to happen in the future and you say “mark my words”?
Well, in Portuguese we say “Escreve o que eu estou te falando”. Literally it means “Write down what I’m telling you” and in everyday conversational Portuguese you will hear “tô” instead of “estou”, ok?.
Here are some examples:
Essa menina vai nos causar problema, escreve o que eu tô te falando.
This girl is going to cause us trouble, mark my words.
Escreve o que eu tô te falando, você vai se arrepender disso.
Mark my word, you’ll regret this.
Todo o projeto vai falhar – escreve o que eu tô te falando.
This whole project will fail — mark my words.
Check out what people are saying on Twitter (notice how they use tô instead of estou).

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