Yeah, you heard me right. Last post you heard of a very embarrassing story that led to me sleeping on a hardwood floor on a cold night.
In this post, you’ll learn the 6 essential (plus bonus) types of body language that are make it or break it for your Portuguese communication.
These 6 body languages will improve your current Portuguese by up to 90%!
Watch the video to see why:
1. The importance of Body language (and I flipped you the Brazilian bird).
2. The Attention Getter
3. The Includer
4. The Agree-er
5. The General
6. The O-la-la
7. Bonus: you’ll have to watch the video to the end to find out
Take these types of body language to heart and use them, they will get you much further in a Portuguese than you can imagine, and keep you from making severe mistakes.
Kevin Porter is the community’s most sought after guy for all things Brazil and especially learning Portuguese. He is known for creating untraditional methods that function to learn Portuguese. You can check him out at
muito interessante obrigado