Portuguese Language Blog

Leaving Voicemail in Brazil Posted by on Apr 12, 2012 in Culture

What do you do when you get someone’s caixa postal (voicemail) when you call in Brazil? Do you leave a message, or just call back?

A Brazilian friend who’d lived abroad for many years and recently moved back to Brazil commented on leaving a recado (message) on voicemail. Here is what her experience has been:

Ninguém deixa recado quando liga pra você, seja em telefone fixo ou celular. A maioria liga, liga, aí liga de novo num – depois liga, liga e liga de novo noutro. Pelo número de tentativas você pode achar que é uma emergência, né? Então você vai checar os recados e… nada. Me falaram que isso acontece porque ninguém por aqui checa as próprias mensagens. Há também o fato de algumas operadoras cobrarem pelo serviço. Mas continuo sem entender a mania de ligarem várias vezes e mesmo após ouvir que aquele número tem serviço ativo de caixa postal, desligam. E depois reclamam contigo. Estranho.

I’ve encountered this same thing, especially when calling cell phones. I’ve also found that if I can’t get in touch with someone – on either a landline or a cell phone – it’s easiest just to call until they pick up. Sometimes I’ve had better luck leaving a message with a secretary, in the case of business. But I’ve still found it’s best to be persistent. I’ve also found that it can sometimes be easier to use text messages than leaving a voicemail.

What’s your experience been?

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  1. Eduardo:

    I am a Brazilian and I NEVER leave messages on people’s phones. I call and call until they pick it up or I give up on what I had to tell them. I also rarely check phone messages. Sad but true.