One of the best ways to learn Portuguese is by making friends with Brazilians and making sure they speak and/or write to you on a regular basis, be it in person, on the phone, by IM, or email. Speaking and listening to a native speaker are absolutely essential tools to becoming more fluent. 
So if you live in the US, I have a few suggestions for how you can meet a Brazilian this very weekend!
1. Saturday, September 5th: Brazil and Argentina’s national teams will face off in one of soccer’s greatest rivalries for a pre-World Cup qualifier in Rosario, Argentina. Head to your local sports bar or Brazilian restaurant/bar and you will be sure to find plenty of Portuguese conversation (and maybe a few expletives too–be warned!). The game starts at 8:30 EST.
2. Saturday, September 5th: In New York, baianas will take to the streets of Midtown and participate in the famous “washing of the steps” like in Salvador. There will also be a parade down 46th Street, including famous Bahian singer Carlinhos Brown and his band.
3. Sunday, September 6th: Boston’s 14th Annual Brazilian Independence Festival kicks off on the 6th, which includes music, film screenings, food, and children’s activities.
4. Sunday, September 6th: In New York, Sunday is Brazilian Day, one of the largest Brazilian events outside of the homeland, broadcast live in Brazil on Globo each year. Along with food, music, dancers, floats, and thousands of Brazilians, there will also be special performances by Marcelo D2, Victor & Leo, and other Brazilian artists. There will also be a number of Brazil after parties around the city on Sunday evening.
Also a great way to meet Brazilians learning English who are eager to chat and trade advice:
Que pena que eu nao possa ir! Eu vi as propagandas na TV para Brazilian Day en Nova Iorque. Parece que sera muito divertido mesmo. Mas eu moro em California. A gente aqui nao tem festivais assim.
Mas o Chris fez um otimo sugestao gente. O Ingles Verde Amarelo e muito bom para conhecer mais Brasileiros. Eu ja consegui fazer muitas amizades atraves do site
I think my wife and I are going to the Boston event on Sunday!!