Portuguese Language Blog

Portuguese listening/reading practice – Receita de ano novo Posted by on Dec 31, 2017 in Brazilian Profile, Culture, Literature, Video

[Prática de escuta e leitura em Português]

Feliz ano novo a todos! Happy New Year’s, everyone! Since it is our last post of the year, our listening and reading practice of the mês (month) is going to be a special one: a New Year’s poema (poem) by the celebrated modernist poet Carlos Drummond de Andrade (1902-1987).

Carlos Drummond de Andrade Statue in Copacabana (photo by Okitron (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)], via Wikimedia Commons)

Also know as simply Drummond, the author from Minas Gerais is one of the best-known and most influential Brazilian escritores (writers) of all time. Although he graduated in Pharmacy, Drummond never practiced it, choosing rather to work as a civil servant who was actively involved in the cultural and intellectual movements of his time. In addition to a prolific career in poesia (poetry), he was also a journalist and wrote many short stories, children’s books and chronicles. So nothing like a Brazilian cultural symbol to wrap up this year and começar (start) a new one!

1.  Ouça/ Listen

First of all, listen to this YouTube video with the audio recording of the poem:


2. Leia/ Read

Receita de ano novo

Para você ganhar belíssimo Ano Novo

cor do arco-íris, ou da cor da sua paz,

Ano Novo sem comparação com todo o tempo já vivido

(mal vivido talvez ou sem sentido)

para você ganhar um ano

não apenas pintado de novo, remendado às carreiras,

mas novo nas sementinhas do vir-a-ser;


até no coração das coisas menos percebidas

(a começar pelo seu interior)

novo, espontâneo, que de tão perfeito nem se nota,

mas com ele se come, se passeia,

se ama, se compreende, se trabalha,

você não precisa beber champanha ou qualquer outra birita,

não precisa expedir nem receber mensagens

(planta recebe mensagens?

passa telegramas?)


Não precisa

fazer lista de boas intenções

para arquivá-las na gaveta.

Não precisa chorar arrependido

pelas besteiras consumidas

nem parvamente acreditar

que por decreto de esperança

a partir de janeiro as coisas mudem

e seja tudo claridade, recompensa,

justiça entre os homens e as nações,

liberdade com cheiro e gosto de pão matinal,

direitos respeitados, começando

pelo direito augusto de viver.


Para ganhar um Ano Novo

que mereça este nome,

você, meu caro, tem de merecê-lo,

tem de fazê-lo novo, eu sei que não é fácil,

mas tente, experimente, consciente.

É dentro de você que o Ano Novo

cochila e espera desde sempre.


New Year’s recipe

For you to earn a wonderful New Year

with the color of the rainbow, or the color of your peace,

New Year without comparison with all the time already lived

(badly lived perhaps or meaningless)

for you to earn a year

not only painted again, mended,

but new in the seeds of becoming;


even in the heart of things less perceived

(starting with the inside)

new, spontaneous, so perfect it cannot be noticed,

but with him one eats, one walks,

one loves, one understands, one works,

you do not need to drink champagne or any other drink,

you do not need to send or receive messages

(do plants receives messages?

send telegrams?)


No need

to make a list of good intentions

to file them in the drawer.

No need to cry in sorrow

for the consumed nonsense

nor to believe

that by decree of hope

from January things will change

and may all be clarity, reward,

justice between men and nations,

freedom with smell and taste of morning bread,

respected rights, starting with

by the august right to live.


To earn a New Year

that deserves this name,

you, my dear, have to deserve it,

you have to make it new, I know it’s not easy,

but try, experiment, conscious.

It is within you that the New Year

naps and waits forever.

Here are some other posts about the poet Drummond in our blog:



Feliz 2018! Happy 2018!

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