Archive for 'Video'
More ways to use ‘sério’ in Portuguese Posted by carol on Mar 25, 2022

Ei, gente! Prontos para o fim de semana? Mas agora é hora de falar sério! But now it’s time to get serious and move on with our previous post about the word sério in Portuguese. Today we are going to cover a few more idioms and examples related to this very interesting term in our…
Brazil on social media: Who to follow Posted by carol on Feb 28, 2022

Olá a todos! Hi, all! Nowadays, there are muitas maneiras (many ways) to learn Portuguese beyond the good old coursebook. You can se matricular em um curso (sign up for a course), contratar um professor particular (hire a private tutor), befriend a native speaker and exchange messages, use language learning apps, ouvir (listen to) podcasts…
Unbelievable headlines from Brazil in 2021 Posted by carol on Jan 10, 2022

Saudações, prezados leitores! Greetings, dear readers! Feliz 2022! Happy 2022! Você acompanha as notícias em português? Do you follow the news in Portuguese? Our previous posts offered a recap on last year’s main stories. But besides those decisive events that shaped 2021, there were several other manchetes (headlines) that caught our attention throughout the year…
3 essential albums about Afro-brazilian religions Posted by carol on Mar 31, 2021

Olá queridos leitores! When we talk about Brazilian music, what comes to your mind? Most of you might be thinking of our beloved samba, bossa nova or even funk, which are the most popular gêneros (genres) outside of Brazil. What these and many other musical styles have in common is actually their origin and major…
Brazilian health Youtubers Posted by carol on May 29, 2020

E aí, pessoal? What’s up, guys? Como está sendo o mês de maio? How’s May going for you so far? For about quatro meses (four months) now, the world’s media has turned almost exclusively to news not only on the contágio (spread) of the coronavirus pandemic, but also on its economical implications and the health…
Ways to boost your Portuguese over the quarantine Posted by carol on Mar 24, 2020

Olá a todos. Hi everyone. Our previous post went over some dicas de prevenção (prevention tips) to help people stay seguras (safe) during these disruptive coronavirus days. As most coutries have been stepping up restrictions to manage the outbreak and curb the propagação (spread) of the doença (disease). One of these measures include declaring quarantine…
The three most popular Brazilian Christmas songs Posted by carol on Dec 23, 2019

[As três canções mais populares de Natal do Brasil] Feliz natal a todos! Merry Christmas, everyone! Músicas natalinas (Christmas songs) are pervasive around this time of the year to get everybody in the holiday spirit. In Brazil, however, the genre never really seemed to take off. But over the years, some recordings on the theme have…