Portuguese Language Blog

Pre-Salt Trophy Posted by on Nov 8, 2011 in Brazilian News

Petrobras, Brazil’s state-run petroleum company, created a cool project combining two very different things: Formula 1 racing and offshore drilling. A few years ago, Petrobras discovered vast reserves of oil below what’s called a pre-salt layer (pre-sal, in Portuguese) in the ocean off the coast of Brazil. The reserves could make Brazil a major oil power once the oil can be exploited on a large scale.

In the meantime, Petrobras came up with a cool idea: they decided to make the trophies for this month’s Brazil Grand Prix out of the pre-salt rock found 5,000 meters deep in the ocean. The trophies will be on display in São Paulo, Brasília, and Rio de Janeiro in November. Petrobras is calling them the “most valuable trophies in the world.”

This video below explains the project. Watch and see if you can answer the questions.


1. What does the artist think about the project?

2. What does the artist mean when he says “quando fiquei sabendo?”

3. What are some of the child-related words the geologist uses to describe the rock?


1. He says it’s the biggest challenge of his career

2. When I found out

3. Bonitinha (pretty, cute); mocinha (little girl)

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