Portuguese Language Blog

Tag Archives: amazon rainforest

Brazilian states: Amapá Posted by on Nov 30, 2020

“Do Oiapoque ao Chuí” (From Oiapoque to Chuí). This is a very typical saying in Brazil that is used to refer to something which extends throughout the national territory. Oiapoque and Chuí are two cidades (cities) located at the very opposite extremos (edges) of our country, the first in the northernmost of Amapá, and the…

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Brazilian states: Amazonas Posted by on Oct 21, 2020

Olá, amigos leitores. Hello, dear readers. I would like you to imagine a territory of approximately 1.5 million square kilometers, which is more than twice the tamanho (size) of the state of Texas or the area of France, Spain, Sweden and Greece combined. Kinda big isn’t it? And this is the size of the maior…

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The Amazon is burning Posted by on Aug 31, 2019

fogo, queimadas

Boa noite, leitores. Good evening, readers. In recent weeks, Brazil has been catching the eyes of the international media, but unfortunately for no praiseworthy reasons this time. Quite the contrary, Brazil made headlines for its neglect of the meio-ambiente (environment) that resulted in the incêndio criminoso (criminal fire) of the Amazon rainforest, the largest of…

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