Tag Archives: brazilian history
The Edge of Democracy Posted by carol on Jul 12, 2019
If you have been acompanhando (keeping up with) the recent political history of Brazil knows that it is quite troubled and hard to entender (understand). Even Brazilians find it difficult to find explanations for how the country has mudou (changed) so much in such a short period of time, polarizing a sociedade (society) between groups…
5 facts about the Brazilian military regime Posted by carol on Apr 30, 2019

It is no surprise that Jair Bolsonaro, the current president of Brazil, came to poder (power) fomenting many controversies that have been increasing in his first months of governo (government). Be it his declarations about the Nazi government being de esquerda (leftist) right during visit to the Holocaust Museum in Israel, or his attitudes seen…
Why is April 21srt a holiday in Brazil? Posted by carol on Apr 22, 2019

What could an 18th-century dentist nicknamed Tiradentes (“Teeth Remover”) represent for the imaginary of an entire país (country)? In Brazil, a lot. Tiradentes is one of our most famous historical figures, a symbol of the conspiracy contra (against) the Portuguese governo (government), which became conhecido (known) as Inconfidência Mineira. While many countries are celebrating the…
[Brazilian literature] – Brasil: Uma biografia Posted by carol on Oct 7, 2017

Biographies are, by definition, a literary genre that aims to provide a person’s life history, describing their experience, main events and relationships in detail. In Brasil: Uma biografia (Brazil: a biography) by scholars Lilian Schwarcz and Heloisa Starling, though the approach is the same, there is a little twist to it: the protagonist is our…
The Brazilian flag Posted by carol on Sep 9, 2017

[A bandeira do Brasil] Olá, amigos! Hello, my friends! Independência ou morte! Indepedence or death! Two days ago, September 7th, was a national feriado (holiday) meant to celebrate Brazil’s dia da independência (independence day). Our país (country) was declared livre (free) from our former colonizer Portugal by prince Pedro the first on that date in…
[Brazilian Literature] – The history of samba Posted by carol on Apr 21, 2017

“Quem não gosta de Samba, bom sujeito não é” [Those who don’t like samba are not good people] Oi, galera! Hey, everyone! This is a post about Brazilian literature, but it may just as well fall under our [Brazilian Music] heading. Today we’ll talk about Lira Neto’s newest release Uma história do Samba: as origens…