Portuguese Language Blog

Tag Archives: comidas típicas

Brazilian states: Espírito Santo Posted by on Jul 13, 2020

Olá, queridos leitores! Hello, dear readers! Let me ask you something: do you like comidas saborosas, lazer, serras e praias (appetizing food, leisure, mountains and beaches)? So do we! And today, returning to our series about estados brasileiros (Brazilian states), we will talk about this hidden gem located in the sudeste do país (southeast of…

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Festa Junina Posted by on Jun 24, 2016

Olá, gente! (Hello, everybody!) Como está indo o mês de vocês? How is your month going? For Brazilians, June means decorations, costumes, great food and drinks, because it’s the month of Festas Juninas! Festa junina is the segunda (second) most popular and traditional festa (party) in Brazil, losing only to the notorious Carnaval. The name…

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