Tag Archives: Rio Grande do Sul
Brazilian states: Rio Grande do Sul Posted by carol on Sep 22, 2019

Olá, caros leitores! Hi, dear readers! Today we come to our second article in the series on Estados Brasileiros (Brazilian states). Despite its continental dimensions (or maybe largely due to that), only a small portion of Brazil is conhecida (known) to those who visit it or even to those who are native. Each of the…
Brazilian Twin Town Posted by Rachel on Dec 8, 2009
Last month, National Geographic did a special episode about Cândido Godói, Brazil, a small town in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. The town, which is occupied by descendants of German immigrants, many of whom still speak German, has one of the highest incidences of twins in the world. The special focused on a…
Brazilian Dance: Chula Posted by Rachel on Jun 22, 2009
Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil’s southernmost state and one of the states most heavily populated by European descendants, has a number of traditional dances that come from several European traditions. One of these dances is called chula. Of Portuguese origin, this dance is done in male pairs by stomping and tapping in a sort of…
Watermelon Festival in Rio Grande do Sul Posted by Rachel on Feb 17, 2009
While the rest of the country gears up for Carnival, the city of Pedro Osório in the southern Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul is having a different kind of celebration: a watermelon festival. In the eighth annual edition of the festival, watermelon producers sell fresh fruit to the public, as well as the…
Off the Beaten Path: Part III Posted by Rachel on Dec 29, 2008
Many foreigners that travel to Brazil come for the beaches or the Amazon, but not many know that Brazil’s southernmost state, Rio Grande do Sul, is more akin to Italy or Argentina than to Rio de Janeiro or Salvador. Originally settled by Italian and German immigrants, the area is famous for being the home of…
Brazilian College Student Becomes Richest Man in the World Posted by Rachel on Nov 26, 2008
…for a day. Douglas de Mello, age 21, is a college student in Rio Grande do Sul. In October, he made a deposit in his bank account and looked at the receipt to make sure it had gone through. Much to his surprise, his account balance appeared as R$432 billion, three times the wealth of…
Hen Adopts Seven Puppies in Rio Grande do Sul Posted by Rachel on Oct 27, 2008
In the rural town of Santa Cruz do Sul, in the southernmost state of Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul, a surprised woman found that one of her hens had adopted seven abandoned puppies. Though the woman has begun feeding the puppies, the hen has made herself responsible for the puppies’ well being. She nestles them…