Tag Archives: sertanejo
Brazilian music icon dies in plane crash Posted by carol on Nov 8, 2021
Amid a deep economic, political, hygienic and environmental crisis, 2021 was hardly a year of joy and prosperity for Brazilians. And yet, tragedy strikes again. Na tarde de sexta-feira (on Friday afternoon), November 5th, Brazil perdeu (lost) the 26-year-old singer Marilia Mendonça, whose vida se encerrou (life ended) tragically after um acidente de avião (an airplane…
Brazilian states: Goiás Posted by carol on Aug 10, 2020

Olá, amigos leitores! Hello, dear readers! Today we are moving forward with our series on estados brasileiros (Brazilian states). To celebrate reaching the 10th text on the theme, let’s focus on a place that permeates popular Brazilian song imaginary: the state of Goiás. Located in the central-west region, right next to the federal district where…
Rodeios & Sertanejo Posted by polyana on May 9, 2011
Rodeio season has started in Brazil! It’s when it starts to get “chilly,” and gives us big city folk a reason to go to the countryside, wear our cowboy boots, big belts, big hats, and go to sertanejo concerts (Brazilian country music)! I went to the Jaguariúna Rodeio, a town an hour or so away…
Luan Santana: A Sertanejo Sensation Posted by Rachel on Aug 16, 2010
If you’re not familiar with popular music in Brazil, you’re probably not familiar with Luan Santana. But this pop sensation has become one of the top-selling artists in the country, something of a male version of Taylor Swift. Luan Santana was born in the capital of Mato Grosso do Sul in 1991. Early on, his…