Portuguese Language Blog

The Amazon’s Bioluminescent Mushrooms Posted by on Mar 19, 2009 in Brazilian News

Brazilian biologist Ricardo Braga-Neto was driving on the highway from Manaus to Porto Velho when he noticed something glowing in the forest. When he stopped his car to inspect the source of the light, he discovered that it was a mushroom.

Although there are 64 known species of bioluminescent mushrooms in the world, and the species the biologist found was a discovered species, no one knew that this particular species was bioluminescent. By accident, Braga-Neto discovered the first bioluminescent mushroom in the Amazon.

The biologist believes there are similar species waiting to be discovered and hopes to get other scientists involved in the study of fungi, which are important for recycling nutrients on the Amazon floor. He noticed that the mushroom emits light even during the day, unlike some other bioluminescent species, but he’s not sure what purpose it serves. It could be to attract insects, or to ward off predators, or to attract the predators of animals that eat mushrooms.

For the full story in Portuguese, see here.

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