Tag Archives: Amazon
Have you tried Brazilian natives cuisine? Posted by carol on Jan 21, 2021

Sateré-Mawé, Tukano, Kuikuro, Tupi, Mbya, Matipu, Xikrin, Waiwai, Yanomami, Xingu and Yawanawá. These names probably don’t sound familiar to you, do they? Well, you are not alone, as many Brazilians are able to recognize only a few of them, if any. These are the names of some of the more than three hundred grupos indígenas…
Brazilian states: Amapá Posted by carol on Nov 30, 2020

“Do Oiapoque ao Chuí” (From Oiapoque to Chuí). This is a very typical saying in Brazil that is used to refer to something which extends throughout the national territory. Oiapoque and Chuí are two cidades (cities) located at the very opposite extremos (edges) of our country, the first in the northernmost of Amapá, and the…
Retrospectiva 2019 – Parte II Posted by carol on Jan 13, 2020

Saudações a todos os leitores! Greetings to all readers! Como foram de virada? How was New Year’s? Ano passado (last year) we highlighted the main events that took place in Brazil in 2019. What else can you remember? Have you been keeping up with the notícias (news)? Let’s move on to the second installment in…
Isolated in the Amazon Posted by Rachel on Nov 2, 2010
The FUNAI, or the Fundação Nacional do Índio, is the Brazilian governmental organization in charge of protecting and advocating for Brazil’s indigenous populations. Created in 1967, the agency not only helps provide education and basic services to tribes, but also promotes the study and understanding of tribal populations and indigenous culture. Also, one of the…
The Amazon Trekker Posted by Rachel on Aug 12, 2010
One of the big stories in the news this week is about Ed Stafford, a thirty-four year-old Brit who spent two and a half years walking the entire length of the Amazon River and just arrived at the end, in Belém. He ended his miraculous journey after briefly passing out, shortly before reaching the Atlantic…
Reading Comprehension: New Species Posted by Rachel on Jul 28, 2010
Let’s test your Portuguese skills by reading this article about finding new species in the Amazon. Expedição encontra espécies novas de insetos na Amazônia “Após uma expedição realizada em junho na selva amazônica, pesquisadores voltaram à cidade com pelo menos 65 espécies de insetos que nunca haviam sido vistas na natureza. A estimativa inicial representa…
Children of the Amazon Posted by Rachel on May 3, 2010
One thing you can do to help learn Portuguese is to keep your eyes peeled for films and documentaries about Brazil in your area. So here’s a tip: Children of the Amazon recently premiered on American TV stations and in film festivals around the world. Be sure to look for reruns on your local station…