Portuguese Language Blog

Trendy Chickens Cause Controversy Posted by on Jan 5, 2009 in Entertainment

A museum in Fortaleza, Ceará is in hot water after opening a new exposition which features live chickens. The exhibit’s creator, a mineira artist named Laura Lima, used human hair extension techniques to attach plumes from tropical birds to the chickens, giving them a peculiar look.

The artist defended the exhibit, explaining that she wanted to transform the way people see chickens and even to modify the behavior of the chickens in how they interacted together. The museum curator also stated that the hair extension technique used to add the feathers was done using silicone glue, which did not harm the animals in any way.

Nevertheless, animal rights groups are up in arms and are protesting the exhibit for going against nature and for hurting the chickens. One in particular, a União Internacional Protetora dos Animais (The International Animal Protection Union) demanded that the government forcibly remove the exhibit and return the chickens to their natural habitat. The museum stated that the exhibit will run until February.

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  1. Prentiss Riddle:

    Their natural habitat: a dinner plate?

  2. jorge amado:

    I was thinking about a pan, before the dinner plate. :)))