Today, we’re going to learn a handy phrase: tudo acaba em pizza.
A rough English equivalent would be “All’s well that ends well,” though it means that no matter how good or how bad something may go, everything works out in the end and goes back to the way things were. Keep in mind that this may not mean that everything works out for everyone involved (see the third example), but means that things end up back to normal.
This expression has a very interesting history. Initially, the expression was tudo acaba em samba. But that changed in the 1960s. There was a political dispute in the city of Palmeiras, and the journalist who covered the scandal went to Palmeiras to try to make peace and work things out. Both sides wound up conciliating at a pizza restaurant and making peace over pizza. Thus emerged the new expression, which was first used to refer to political scandals and accusations, but is now used for any circumstance.
Briguei com a minha namorada, mas como tudo acaba em pizza, nós ficamos bem. I got in a fight with my girlfriend but all’s well that ends well, and we’re now we’re ok.
Mas nem tudo acaba em pizza para eles; foram para a cadeia. But it doesn’t always work out for them; they went to jail.
Já que tudo acaba em pizza, o político corrupto ainda está no poder. But since things work out in the end [for him], the corrupt politician is still in power.
Now it’s your turn. Leave a few sentences of your own to see if you’ve figured out how to use this phrase properly!