«В карантине» [In Quarantine] Posted by josefina on Nov 13, 2009 in News
«Вот и началось…» [And so it has begun…] Yesterday I woke up with a cough and a terrible head ache, went to the doctor at the university who convinced me that «у меня нет свиного гриппа» [I don’t have the swine flu] and sent me to the pharmacy to retrieve necessary medicine. And yesterday I did believe her, because I kept getting better steadily during the day. Then today I wake up some time after lunch and realized that I have much higher fever than yesterday and greater pain in my entire body. After consulting with my mother in Sweden over the phone, it was settled finally that «у меня есть грипп A/H1N1» [I have the A/H1N1 flu]. «Вот и прекрасно!» [ironic: Well isn’t that wonderful!] Today, while rolling around in my bed, I found out per sms from a friend that «университет закрыт на неделю до 20 (двадцатого) ноября» [the university is closed for a week until the 20th of November]. Now I have read up on how things are locally in the town where I live, «Екатеринбург» [Yekaterinburg], and as it turns out I am far from alone. The past three days 12,500 people have become sick here, and 70% of them are very likely to have the A/H1N1 flu, as you can read more about in this article here: «С 13 (тринадцатого) ноября в Екатеринбурге вводится карантин» [“Beginning on the 13th of November Yekaterinburg will be in quarantine”]. At least I won’t be missing out on any classes due to my sickness… And I’ve never been in quarantine before. Could be interesting. If I weren’t this sick, that is… The only reason as to why I’m writing this is to forewarn all of you readers that you might not hear from me in a while! I’ll be back once I’m feeling better, could be a few days, could be a week. I don’t know. I’m off to bed now, or else I might just pass out in front of the computer. «Нехорошо!» [Not good!]
«Моя личная армия лекарств» [My personal army of medicine].

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Bruce Dumes:
Очень жаль! Надеюсь, что ты чувствуешь лучше скорее! Будь здорова!
Выздоравливайте скорее, Josefina!
Всего доброго, Josefina! Будь здорова – мы ждём Тебя
Andrea de Barros:
Будь здорова!
hey…dun feel bad about it…I hope you get really well so0on…! take care!
Get well soon!
Ed in St. Louis:
May your recovery be quick! Do not worry about not posting on your blog. It’s more important that you get healthy.
I hope you feel better soon. Будь здорова!
Get well soon!
Сам только что проболел. А согласись, иногда прикольно болеть, лежать в постеле и читать комментарии по нотику. Wishing you a speedy recovery.
Josefina Hi,
So sorry to hear you are not well. I pray you will recover soon because we need you and your magic personality, language and writing skills.
Sydney Australia.
Hi, Josephine.
Finally I have the opportunity to write you my thanks for your fantastic blog, which help me in all my activities as student. I am actually enrolled in a private school to be translator as Russian-English-Dutch-Danish, and your observation about Russian language is for me primary in my activity.
Actually I am at the first year and I have the lucky to go to work in Kazakhstan next month, so I will practice better my ability in Russian…I’llwrite yoy soon, at the moment my best wishes for your health!! Kisses
So sorry you are unwell, Josefina. Get well soon, your community misses and needs you!. Peggy
Josy, do not stay in doctors hands so long!!!! Please, come back….witout you, our community loose its Matriarca!!!!