Archive for 'News'
Шестеро на диване, or What would you do to win a brand new couch? Posted by ryan on Jun 30, 2022

I recently stumbled across an article on Афиша.ру, a popular Russian website, with the following headline: В Бе́лгороде провели́ соревнова́ние по са́мому до́лгому сиде́нию на дива́не The headline was intriguing because, well, it makes you ask, заче́м? The tough конкурс contest began on June 24 and lasted 4 days, finishing on June 28. From this…
Go East, Young Man: the Virgin Lands Campaign Posted by ryan on Oct 29, 2021

From this side of the Iron Curtain, we remember Ники́та Серге́евич Хрущёв Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev, as the man who promised the West that мы вас похоро́ним! We will bury you (which is somewhat a mistranslation and a good subject for a future blog), for his 1959 Ку́хонные деба́ты Kitchen Debate in Moscow with then-vice president Richard…
Russian Inventions You Know-2 Posted by Nadya on Aug 11, 2021

This time I would like to continue the list of the valued inventions of Russians. Previously, I told you about famous engineers and physicists. In fact, Russians have made tremendous contributions to inventions. If you open the history of the space (космическая), aviation (авиационная), or military (военная) industry (индустрия), you will find many Russian names…
Russian Inventions You Know Posted by Nadya on Jul 30, 2021

Today I want to talk about one of the extremely important and debatable topics about Russia – the achievements of its citizens in innovations that have changed the modern world. Brain Drain – Утечка мозгов On the one hand, Russia has long been known for its scientists (учёные), researchers (исследователи), and inventors (изобретатели). On the…
New Restrictions In Moscow Posted by Nadya on Jun 30, 2021

“The situation with the coronavirus in Moscow (Москва́) remains extremely difficult,” Mayor of Moscow (Мэр Москвы́) Sergei Sobyanin told reporters. He also mentioned that the city set new records for hospitalization and intensive care patients over the past week. Moscow and St. Petersburg (Санкт-Петербу́рг) recorded the largest number of cases compared to any region of Russia…
Sputnik V in Kazakhstan Posted by bota on Jun 4, 2021

It has been a little over a year since we’ve covered COVID news in Russia, and while today’s blog is about Russia’s vaccine Sputnik V, we focus on the country’s southern neighbor, Kazakhstan. *All photos taken and used with permission from author (Akbota Yergaliyeva) In general Since the end of February, Kazakhstan has been administering…
News: US visas for Russian citizens Posted by bota on May 13, 2021

Originally, I had a Радо́ница (Radonitsa) blog for today and if I had to write about visas, this is the type of embassy-themed blog I would rather be writing right now, but alas. Russia and US relations like to frequent major headlines and while it’s not a surprise that the two got caught in the…