Archive for November, 2009
How About ‘Getting Married’ in Russian? Posted by josefina on Nov 29, 2009

There’s one thing I’ve always had trouble expressing in the Russian language. No, it’s not «мои чувства» [plural: my feelings], but something that has not so much to do with me as a matter of fact. For years now I’ve struggled with the following: how to say in Russian that two women are married? Perhaps…
«Приключения шведки в русской больнице» [The Adventures of a Swedish Girl in a Russian Hospital] Posted by josefina on Nov 24, 2009

After publishing my last post here – over a week ago now – I promised myself that I would not blog again until I got well enough to not write about anything related to illnesses. That might have seemed like a great plan when it was still «понедельник» [Monday] and my first fever-free day since…
Reading for/about the Sick: «Униженные и оскорблённые» [The Humiliated and Insulted] Posted by josefina on Nov 17, 2009

Though I am still not entirely «здорова» [healthy] yet, today I «чувствую себя гораздо лучше» [feel much better] than the days before and that’s why I finally have enough strength to write a post. I was «очень тронута» [very touched] by all of your kind wishes of health and for me to get better soon…
«В карантине» [In Quarantine] Posted by josefina on Nov 13, 2009

«Вот и началось…» [And so it has begun…] Yesterday I woke up with a cough and a terrible head ache, went to the doctor at the university who convinced me that «у меня нет свиного гриппа» [I don’t have the swine flu] and sent me to the pharmacy to retrieve necessary medicine. And yesterday I…
Two Years with Russian Blog! Posted by josefina on Nov 9, 2009

«Да!» [Yes!] «Наконец!» [Finally!] Today is not just another day, today is «девятое ноября» [the 9th of November] and a very special day. Why? Not simply because today is «день рождения великого русского писателя Ивана Тургенева» [the birthday of the great Russian writer Ivan Turgenev] – happy 191st b’day to the author of «Отцы и…
«С праздником!» or: How to Congratulate Russian Style Posted by josefina on Nov 5, 2009

Yesterday was the 4th of November and «выходной день в России» [a day of rest, day off, holiday in Russia]. Yes once again it was time to celebrate the mysterious «День народного единства» [(People’s) Unity Day]. There’s no need to pretend that Russians don’t look at this strange holiday in pretty much the same way…
In Russia Snow Walks… Posted by josefina on Nov 1, 2009

A couple of days ago – I think it was «в среду» [on Wednesday] – we received our first snow here in Yekaterinburg: «выпал первый снег» [the first snow fell (down)]. On Wednesday, however, I had the bad luck to be feeling a bit under the weather – in Russian «я захворала» [I got ill…