Archive for October, 2011
November Writing Challenge Posted by yelena on Oct 31, 2011

Do you know that November is a National Novel Writing Month? If yes, then you’ve probably heard of «Нонараймо» [NaNoWriMo], a 30-day challenge that starts on Nov 1st of each year. Here’s the description: «Нанораймо-2011 ждёт своих героев, которые готовы… писать литературные произведения фантастической длины в кратчайшие сроки.» [NaNoWriMo-2011 is awaiting its heroes ready…
Scary Stories to Read This Halloween Posted by yelena on Oct 26, 2011
Well, it’s that time of the year again. Halloween is just a few days away. If you remember, last year we had a post about «празднуют ли Хэллоуин в России и если да, то как» [whether Halloween is celebrated in Russia and if yes, then how]. Sure, Halloween does not have deep roots in Russia…
Let’s Unite and Learn Russian Grammar! Posted by Natalie on Oct 21, 2011

I am back, «дорогие читатели» [dear readers], ready to explain obscure points of Russian grammar to you. What have I been doing in the past weeks? Many things, all of which relate to school. I am writing «тезис» [a thesis] on a famous Soviet leader and just generally studying for exams (I just took…
One Hard-Working Russian Word Posted by yelena on Oct 18, 2011

Do you know that in Russia the expression “birthday suit” translates as «костюм Адама» if talking about a male and «костюм Евы» if talking about a woman. But «фиговый листок» means exactly the same thing, a fig leaf, in its proverbial sense. Just be careful with the stress or you end up saying “worthless leaf”…
Even More Curious то же and так же Posted by yelena on Oct 14, 2011

Learning Russian can be frustrating. But in the end, it’s so worth it! This photo, taking years ago in St. Petersburg, is not really related to anything in this post. But it’s good memories for me, so I thought I’d share. When it comes to me writing grammar posts, I either don’t do them or…
The Curious Case of Russian Words Тоже and Также Posted by yelena on Oct 13, 2011

I got to learn something new about rats thanks to your comments. Now it’s pay-back time. Plus I loved this movie when it came out. Rats can be so cute! When it comes to grammar, being a native speaker of a language is a double-edged sword. Sure, native speakers tend to automatically select just the…
Back from the Surgery Posted by yelena on Oct 11, 2011
Looks like I missed a whole week on the blog. I apologize for that, but I do have a great «оправдание» [excuse]. «Дело в том» [The case is] that I had «операция» [a surgery]. As far as surgeries go, it was a minor one. Still, I am still bed-ridden. Since I’ve been busy recovering for…