Archive for December, 2011
Most Popular Posts in 2011 and Plans for 2012 Posted by yelena on Dec 28, 2011

With just a few more days до конца года (left in the year), this is a good time for обзор проделанной работы (review of the work done). So how do you feel about your progress with learning Russian? This might sound strange, but I certainly feel that my Russian has improved since I started…
Let’s Make Фонарик (a Lantern) For the Holidays Posted by yelena on Dec 23, 2011
If you celebrate Christmas and New Year, then you have already украсили ёлку (decorated the Christmas tree). Still, there’s always room for just one more ornament, isn’t there? That’s why today я научу вас (I will teach you) how to make a very simple украшение (an ornament) that even children can make за несколько минут…
How to Decorate the New Year’s Tree Posted by yelena on Dec 21, 2011

I don’t know about you, but конец декабря (the end of December) is always the busiest time for me. It’s all about getting ready for Новый Год (the New Year), мой любимый праздник (my favorite holiday). At first I wasn’t going to write about празднование Нового Года (celebrating the New Year) since we already covered…
Time to Learn Russian Declensions Posted by yelena on Dec 19, 2011

Do you remember the Gender of Russian Nouns post that appeared a few weeks ago? It generated the record number of comments and all of them contributed to the subject. So if, after reading the post itself, you have more questions than answers, then do check out the comments. Here’s the thing though… I originally…
Most Useful Russian Phrases Posted by yelena on Dec 15, 2011

I once met a person who коллекционировал (was collecting) words. Actually, he only collected one word, “hello”, but in many different languages. He knew how to здороваться (greet) in over 30 languages and was working hard on expanding his collection for a future кругосветное путешествие (around-the-world trip). I think learning just one word or phrase…
The Russians and Their Vodka Posted by Transparent Language on Dec 12, 2011
Joseph Stalin once said, “We have to make a choice between… slavery and vodka.” That was in 1925, just as Stalin was beginning his brutal ascent to power, crafting a regime that would industrialize the Soviet Union on the backs of slave labor. And cheap vodka. Indeed, vodka and Russia have been bound together in…
From Exasperating to Unobtrusive – Customer Service Words Posted by yelena on Dec 9, 2011
Hello! Boy, am I happy to be back! I apologize for such a long absence from the blog. In case you have been wondering, I am not trekking across Siberia nor is my time taken up by re-reading “War and Peace” for the umpteenth time. I have been stranded без ноутбука (without a laptop) or…