Archive by Author
Doing Business in Russian: Must-Know Terms Posted by Transparent Language on Jul 24, 2017

Following the end of 75 years of socialism in 1991, Russia is still becoming accustomed to Western-style capitalism, both in its institutions and its culture. Russia’s communist past makes some skeptical of its economic potential today, though it’s for exactly this reason that many experts label numerous Russian companies as overlooked and undervalued on the…
10 of the Most Essential Words for Understanding Russian Politics Posted by Transparent Language on May 22, 2017

Politics plays a major role in contemporary Russian life. This has long been the case since Soviet times, and students of Russia and its language will find that much of the country’s political system is based on past Soviet means of governing. For example, the existence of “soviets”, “dumas”, and a strong executive branch are…
Russian Numbers 1 – 20 with video Posted by Transparent Language on Nov 8, 2012
Below is a simple table of numbers in Russian through 20, designed for beginning Russian language learners. Also included is a counting video where you can hear pronunciation of the numbers. Watch the video a few times through, and practice speaking the numbers aloud if you can; not only will this help you practice pronunciation…
The Russians and Their Vodka Posted by Transparent Language on Dec 12, 2011
Joseph Stalin once said, “We have to make a choice between… slavery and vodka.” That was in 1925, just as Stalin was beginning his brutal ascent to power, crafting a regime that would industrialize the Soviet Union on the backs of slave labor. And cheap vodka. Indeed, vodka and Russia have been bound together in…