Archive for October, 2012
Getting Through a Hurricane Posted by yelena on Oct 30, 2012
As I am writing this, much of the Восточное побережье США (East Coast of the USA) is getting through ураган “Сэнди” (hurricane Sandy). It is expected to be one of the worst шторм (storm) on record as it plows through крупные города (large cities) of the East Coast, including Вашингтон, Нью-Йорк и Филадельфия. It might…
Karaoke in Russian (or at least “faking it”) Posted by Rob on Oct 29, 2012

Pick the correct song lyrics: ♪♫ Those were the days, my friend, we thought they’d never end… ♪♫ ♪♫ Дорогой длинною и ночью лунною… ♪♫ ♪♫ Try our ge-fil-te fish, it’s such a ta-sty dish… ♪♫ In fact, all three lines — along with many other variants in dozens of languages — have been sung…
Fall Clothes, Foul Weather Posted by yelena on Oct 23, 2012
It is definitely autumn now. The nights are finally довольно холодные (pretty cold) and the days are chilly too. And it is starting to rain more often. So it is time to put away летняя одежда (summer clothing) and get out… what? Well, it’s not quite cold enough for зимняя одежда (winter clothing) such as…
Presidential Debates in Russian Posted by yelena on Oct 18, 2012
First, a disclaimer is in order – this is NOT a post about politics, but about how to talk about politics. Of course, as the saying goes, приличные люди о политике не говорят (well-mannered people do not discuss politics). Then again, rules change. It used to be that разговоры о сексе (conversations about sex) were…
There’s a chill in the air… Posted by Rob on Oct 15, 2012

Осень пришла (“fall has arrived”), at least officially, and at least for those of us на северном полушарии (“in the Northern hemisphere”). Двадцать второго сентября было равноденствие (“The 22nd of September was the equinox”). Cмотря где живёшь, ещё не очень холодно днём. (“Depending on where you live, it’s still not very cold during the day.”)…
Watching a Movie – Falcon Posted by yelena on Oct 12, 2012
In my previous post about Georgia (and why we, the students of the Russian language and culture should care about Georgia), I promised that come weekend we’ll be watching a movie and gave you a few hints as to which one. The famous Georgian director, Георгий Данелия (Georgiy Danelia), directed and the famous Georgian…
“Dreamin’ is free…” Posted by Rob on Oct 10, 2012

So goes a line from an old Blondie song — you could translate it as можно видеть сны бесплатно (“one pays nothing to dream”). And “dreams” are the theme for today, because позавчера мне снился странный-престранный сон. (“The day before yesterday I had an oh-so-strange dream.”) Although maybe кошмар, “nightmare,” would be more apt! Во…