Archive for October, 2012
More About Georgia Posted by yelena on Oct 9, 2012
While the recent парламентские выборы (Parliamentary elections) in Georgia are still fresh in our minds thanks to Natalie’s recent post, let’s talk some more about this country. But wait, Georgia is not Russia! Russian is not its official language. It seems that unless you are interested in geopolitics, Georgia is outside of the scope of…
Прогулка по лесу (or, “A bit o’ botany”) Posted by Rob on Oct 8, 2012

На прошлой неделе, я сидел с племянником (“Last week, I was babysitting my nephew”) and since the weather was nice, he wanted to прогуляться в лесу (“to go for a stroll in the forest”). And a прогулка по лесу (“walk through the woods”) actually offers a great opportunity for Russian vocabulary practice: not only learning…
Bidzina Ivanishvili and the Elections in Georgia Posted by Natalie on Oct 5, 2012

Всем привет! [Hello all!] I have been very, very busy recently – since I want поступить в аспирантуру [to apply to graduate school], I have been madly working on my essays, writing samples, and taking the GRE, the exam that applicants to many American graduate schools need to take. The good news: I have managed to…
Word-Wide Webs Posted by yelena on Oct 4, 2012

One of the challenges in learning Russian language is expanding your vocabulary. With over сто тридцать тысяч слов (one hundred and thirty thousand words) in the Russian language, figuring out where to start can be a bit frustrating. One option is to narrow it down to, let’s say, the 1000 most commonly used words and memorize…
“Sit down, stand up, lie, lay, lain!” (Verbs of Position) Posted by Rob on Oct 3, 2012

[Note: My original post made a few errors with prepositions and noun cases that have now been fixed!] I think I’ve mentioned that my first-year college Russian textbook illuminated the verb лежать included the grimly Dostoyevskian example sentence: Труп лежит на полу. The corpse is lying on the floor. Well, that’s one verb I’ll…