Archive for November, 2012
Russian Numbers 1 – 20 with video Posted by Transparent Language on Nov 8, 2012
Below is a simple table of numbers in Russian through 20, designed for beginning Russian language learners. Also included is a counting video where you can hear pronunciation of the numbers. Watch the video a few times through, and practice speaking the numbers aloud if you can; not only will this help you practice pronunciation…
Defense Against the Dark Arts! Posted by Rob on Nov 6, 2012

[Note: This post was originally written for Хеллуин, but as already mentioned, the arrival of Hurricane Sandy caused some power outages and delays…] In the Harry Potter books, “Defense against the Dark Arts” is a mandatory class for Hogwarts students, and in the Russian editions, it was straightforwardly translated as “Защита от тёмных искусств.” And…
Russian Halloween – Reading the School of Horrors Posted by yelena on Nov 1, 2012
I wasn’t going to do a Halloween post this year. Instead, Rob was going to talk about Russian verbs that can come quite handy around Halloween time. But it looks like, thanks to Hurricane Sandy, Rob was left without electricity and Internet access and was not able to post yesterday. Hopefully him and his…