Russian Language Blog

5 Ways To Describe Rudeness In Russian Posted by on Apr 5, 2018 in language

Is someone showing a lack of consideration for other people’s feelings or needs? Learn 5 ways of describing rude behavio(u)r in Russian, depending on what the person is doing and whether they are aware of how they affect others. To vary the conventions of Russian lexicography, I will be listing the feminine forms for the adjectives.

Girl sticking out tongue

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The most straightforward equivalent of “rude” is грубая/-ый/-ое/-ые (masculine/feminine/neuter/plural). This adjective mostly describes intentional disregard for other people or even saying offensive things. Грубая literally means “coarse.”

Зато́ в нау́чных спо́рах он быва́л ре́зок, груб и не стесня́лся.
In scientific disputes, however, he could be brusque and rude and never held back.
[Даниил Гранин. Зубр (1987)]

The related adverb is грубо, and the noun is грубость.


When we talk about unintentional rudeness or lack of consideration, we will more likely use невежливый/-ая/-ое/-ые, literally “impolite.” The related adverb is невежливо. That’s also the form you would use to say “It’s rude to…” (“Невежливо…).

Ва́ше молча́ние неве́жливо.
Your silence is impolite.
[Марина Вишневецкая. Вышел месяц из тумана (1997)]


Воспитывать means to educate someone or bring someone up. Воспитанная/-ый/-ое/-ые refers to being polite, cultured, and tactful. Невоспитанная is the opposite.

Но ма́ма не была́ тако́й делика́тной и воспи́танной, как он.
But my mother wasn’t as tactful and cultured as he was.
[Анатолий Рыбаков. Тяжелый песок (1975-1977)]


Такт means “tact,” and тактичная/-ый/-ое/-ые means “tactful.” Бестактная is the opposite of that. The adverb is бестактно.

Вопро́с адвока́та показа́лся ему́ соверше́нно беста́ктным.
He thought the attorney’s question was utterly tactless.
[Сергей Довлатов. Наши (1983)]

angry boy

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Finally, you probably know the adjective красивая (attractive, beautiful). The adjective некрасивая doesn’t really have to do with politeness and, predictably, means “unattractive.” However, the adverb form некрасиво can mean “in an inconsiderate manner, impolitely.” This word often collocates with поступать/поступить (to act) or вести/повести себя (to behave).

Во вре́мя рабо́ты над э́той карти́ной я поступи́л о́чень некраси́во.
While working on this film, I did something very questionable.
[Эльдар Рязанов. Подведенные итоги (2000)]

Have you come across someone невежливый or грубый in Russia or other places where Russian is spoken? Did you say anything?

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About the Author: Maria

Maria is a Russian-born translator from Western New York. She is excited to share her fascination with all things Russian on this blog. Maria's professional updates are available in English on her website and Twitter and in Russian on Telegram.


  1. David Tsujikawa:

    looking forward to learning the language and culture