Archive for 'when in Russia'
The A-Z of the Russian Banya Posted by bota on Mar 15, 2021

A trip to ру́сская ба́ня (Russian banya/ Russian sauna) is a healing cultural experience for your mind and body. Many Russians have a баня (banya) on their dachas and might be enjoying the “jumping in the snow after banya” in their backyards with the last of this winter’s snow. Tips for Russian sauna: Avoid drinking…
Russian dachniki in February Posted by bota on Feb 22, 2021

Да́чный сезо́н на но́су! [lit. “the season of dachas is on the nose”, meaning “the season of dachas is almost here!”] The final week of February is a busy time for many Russian gardeners or those who have a “да́ча” (dacha or a country house). More on the history of dachas here. Here are some…
Two Main Russian Problems – Fools and Roads Posted by Nadya on Jan 12, 2021

This time we will touch on a hot topic in Russia — its roads. They are terrible. The driving culture is not better. “В России две беды́: дураки́ и доро́ги” “There are two troubles in Russia: fools and roads” is a catchphrase attributed to Gogol, Saltykov-Shchedrin, sometimes Karamzin, or Vyazemsky, even Nikolai I. It is…
Whole-foods shopping in Russia Posted by bota on Jan 4, 2021

Whether your New Year’s resolution was to eat healthier and try new foods or your diet is already rich in plant-based meals, this collection of Russian words will come in handy for your next grocery outing. And one certainly doesn’t have to be a vegetarian (вегетериа́нец/вегетериа́нка), vegan (ве́ган/вега́нка), or rawtarian (сырое́д) to stock up their…
Dear Ded Moroz: Writing letters in Russian Posted by bota on Dec 18, 2020

Did you forget to write a letter to Santa for Christmas this year? I ‘ve got great news for you: Russian Grandfather Frost (Де́душка Моро́з) is still accepting mail (more on essential Russian words for New Year’s here). So, let’s practice letter writing in Russian together and get some wishes out into the universe. We…
Winter Is Coming – Idiomatic Expressions Posted by Nadya on Nov 30, 2020

What comes to your mind when you hear the word “Russia?” Foreigners often imagine a blizzard on Red Square, people in earflaps, and snow banks at least to the knee. Although there is already some snow in many cities in Russia, winter officially begins there on December 1st. “Пе́рвый снег — не зима́, пе́рвая зазно́ба…
Kaliningrad – A Piece Of Russia In Europe Posted by Nadya on Oct 9, 2020

There are people who will say, „I’m going to Russia,“ while they are already inside Russia. Wait… What? A city that is “cut off” from the country The Kaliningrad region or Kaliningrad Oblast'(Калинингра́дская о́бласть) is a semi-exclave of Russia, not bordering (не грани́чащий) on any of its other regions. When Lithuania (Литва́) and Belarus (Белару́сь)…