Archive for 'when in Russia'
You are a sailor, Mishka! Posted by bota on Feb 23, 2022

Ты одессит, Мишка, а это значит, Что не страшны тебе ни горе, ни беда. Ведь ты моряк, Мишка, моряк не плачет, И не теряет бодрость духа никогда. You are an Odessa native, Mishka, and that means You are not afraid of neither misery nor misfortune. Because you are a sailor, Mishka, a sailor never cries…
Pelmeni in Cursive Posted by bota on Feb 15, 2022

The most important February holiday is upon us: восемнадцатое февраля — День Пельменей! (Pelmeni day or Russian Dumpling Day) Фото автора Polina Tankilevitch: Pexels *Если вы не знаете, что такое пельмени, быстро прочитайте этот вкусный рецепт от Елены! (If you do not know what pelmeni are, go ahead and read this delicious recipe from Yelena.) This time-tested…
Rush Hour: How does one get around in a Russian [provincial] city? Posted by ryan on Dec 10, 2021

As I was driving home from work on the roads of my city, snow layered on thick and people driving significantly slower than they normally would, I thought of how the snow would never stop a Russian маршру́тка driver, weaving in and out of traffic, zipping around corners, and stopping his machine dead in its…
New Restrictions In Moscow Posted by Nadya on Jun 30, 2021

“The situation with the coronavirus in Moscow (Москва́) remains extremely difficult,” Mayor of Moscow (Мэр Москвы́) Sergei Sobyanin told reporters. He also mentioned that the city set new records for hospitalization and intensive care patients over the past week. Moscow and St. Petersburg (Санкт-Петербу́рг) recorded the largest number of cases compared to any region of Russia…
Death in Russian, continued Posted by bota on Jun 14, 2021

Remember this blog where I mentioned the Russian tradition of bringing an even number of flowers to the funeral? We will talk about that and other traditions surrounding Russian funerals as well as vocabulary that relates to death in general. Flowers So, the even number of flowers comes from old-time beliefs that even numbers symbolize…
DIY ideas for Paskha Posted by bota on May 4, 2021

Правосла́вная Па́сха вы́пала на второе ма́я в э́том го́ду. (Orthodox Easter fell on May 2nd this year) and I wanted to share как мы с брати́шкой и сестрёнкой первый раз кра́сили яйца (how I and my siblings dyed eggs for the first time) и как мы пригото́вили па́сху (and how we made a paskha). My…
Family recipe for Kvashennaya Kapusta Posted by bota on Apr 15, 2021

Kvashennaya Kapusta is known as sauerkraut or pickled cabbage in the US and was mentioned on this channel before. Today, I’ll be sharing my family’s recipe for квашенная капуста (kvashennaya kapusta) with you. Ингредиенты (Ingredients) To make six 2-liter jars 3 cabbages (8kg total) – 3 кочана капусты (белокочанная капуста) 2 kg of carrots –…