Russian Language Blog

(Only True) Legends & Myths About Putin Posted by on May 11, 2008 in News


The day after Victory Day I went to a local grocery store in my neighborhood where I saw this magazine with a cover picture from which I could simply not tear my eyes. It must have been the combination of buff arms with a hat on a gorgeous horse and that carefree facial expression that did me in – I never buy tabloids in any country, let alone in Russia (did they defeat the dictatorship of the proletariat so as to read brainless gossip and look at paparazzi pictures of the rich and famous half-naked on the beach?), but this time I forked up the 20 rubles because I couldn’t wait to gorge myself in useless information about the elite in Moscow, including everyone’s favorite Vovochka. I don’t know how it was back at the beginning of his ‘reign’, but it must have seemed very unlikely in 2000 to imagine the then new president Vladimir Vladimirovich in eight years time turning into – like it or not, but that’s what it looks like – a sex symbol. Back in November last year I did a review of magazines to read while in Russia, but for some reason I left out all of the tabloids, each and every one of them, though in Russia, like in any other country embracing Western cultural standards, tabloids outsell almost all other printed materials. This article was found in a magazine that proudly calls itself StarHit in English and translates that into Cyrillic on the main page as «СтарХит». Since it lacks an official website of any sort, I am forced to share the article with you here in pictures [one day I swear I’ll get a scanner and go crazy, but until then…], and with the first paragraph translated into English, so as to give you a general idea of the journalistic value to be found within it’s plenty flattering pictures of the ex-leader.

«Легенды о Путине. Пока страна готовилась к инаугурации нового президента, СтарХит фиксировал в памяти милые черты предыдущего главы России» [Legends about Putin. While the country was preparing for the inauguration of the new president, StarHit fixated in memory the sweet traits of the former head of Russia].


Ради этого человека в марте 2002 года вкрутили лампочки в фонари города Байкальска. [For the sake of this person in March 2002 they screwed in light bulbs in the street lights of the city of Baikalsk].

Он же оказался побудительной причиной того, чтобы в Тюмени убирали весь снег. [He too turned out to be the motive so that in Tyumen they cleaned up all the snow].

Где-то срочно красили заборы, где-то пенсионерам устанавливали телефон, а на первом плане всегда оказывался он – Владимир Владимирович Путин. [Somewhere urgently they painted fences, somewhere for pensioners they installed a phone, but in the first aspect was always he – Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin].

Что мы знаем о нём сегодня? [What do we know about him today?]

Да, этот человек управлял огромной страной. [Yes, this person ruled an enormous country].

Он свободно говорит по-немецки и уже объясняется по-английски с мировыми лидерами. [He fluently speaks in German and already makes himself understood in English with world leaders].

Занимается дзюдо, любит плавание и горные лыжи. [He does judo, loves swimming and mountain skiing].

Предпочитает алкоголю зелёный чай. [Prefers green tea to alcohol].

Женат, двое детей. [Married, two kids].

Ещё пять лет назад медики Владимира Владимировича говорили, что президента невозможно заставить выпить элементарную микстуру от кашля – Путин не любит медикаменты. [Already five years ago the physicians of Vladimir Vladimirovich said that it is impossible to make the president drink elemetary cough medicine – Putin doesn’t love medicines].

Зато баня, мёд и массаж приветствуются. [But on the other hand steam baths, honey and massage are welcome].

«Кремлёвский анекдот после прихода ВВП: “меняю две ракетки на одно кимоно”» [A Kremlin joke after the arrival of VVP: “[I] change two tennis rackets for one kimono”].




Встреча с детьми близ ранчо Джорджа Буша
Буш: «Теперь задавайте вопросы».
Путин: «Только не по математике».

[Meeting with children near George Bush’s ranch.
Bush: “Now ask questions”.
Putin: “Just not about mathematics”.]


«Сочи-2008, Путин и Буш: два президента с заканчивающимся сроком» [Sochi-2008, Putin and Bush: two presidents with ending terms].

Lately it’s been a little too much Putin on this blog, as I think few readers have been able to miss. I know that opinions differ when it comes to Vladimir Vladimirovich, and that is one of the reasons why focusing on him never gets boring (or I might just be overstepping my boundaries with such a statement – maybe that’s just what it’s becoming, boring). I suppose I could blame the intensification of Putin presence here on the fact that last week was a very political week in Russia, and that it is a little too easy to fall into a ‘cult of personality’ under such heavy exposure to the two Russian leaders. Actually, a while back one of the readers commented on my post about the rumor that Putin was marrying Alina Kabaeva with posing a question about the difference between being a woman in Russia and in the states. The comment was so interesting that I have not let it go, but for reasons due to lack of time I have not yet been able to write about it, but I plan on doing an entry on this topic soon, especially since I’ve given it a lot of thought and come to unexpected conclusions.

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  1. P.:

    Putin forever!
    J. L. is the hottest ever.

  2. Anna:

    Anna “hearts” Putin!!!
    babe, you can write about da man anytime you want!

  3. Joe Ahtoh:

    Thanks for the interesting article on Putin. I especially love your translation. Would be even better if you also translated your script into Russian too.

  4. Anya:

    Don’t be too harsh on yourself. Celebrity gossip is a fact of life (daily entertainment).
    Just at look at the amount of press surrounding Jenna Bush’s daughter in the US – people are the same around the world ;))