Tag Archives: Булгаков
And the winner is… Posted by josefina on May 30, 2010

…«Мастер и Маргарита» [“The Master & Margarita”]! What are the stickers lying next to the book for? Read the post and find out! It was a close race on the poll “Russian literature is better than sex” on our Facebook page, but eventually it was clear to everyone what book had won! The final list…
Instead of a Russian Time Machine: «Алмазный мой венец» [My Diamond Crown]! Posted by josefina on Oct 13, 2009

How many times have we not wished that our neighbor was «сумасшедший учёный» [a crazy scientist] who would one day come knocking on our door, asking if we’d like to try out his newly invented «машина времени» [time machine]? The scene, as I always had pictured me it (and I’m sure you see it in…