Tag Archives: cooking Russian food
Russian Recipe: Beet Salad with Garlic and Walnuts Posted by Maria on Nov 6, 2019

When we talk about Russian cuisine, the same dishes keep coming up—Olivier salad, borsch{t} (arguably of Ukrainian provenance), pelmeni, etc. This time, let’s make a lesser-known—but delicious!—dish popular in Russia: a beet salad. You may remember that beets (свёкла) feature in some other Russian dishes, such as the already mentioned borsch, vinegret, and “herring under…
Want to cook a Russian dish? Try Vinegret! Posted by Jenya on Nov 26, 2014

Vegetarians, vegans and healthy eaters rejoice! This recipe is among my favorites because it is nutritious, delicious, and fairly hard to mess up. You can either serve it by itself, use it as a salad, or even a side dish with any meat or fish. There is no consensus on the internet regarding the origins…
«Икра» (“caviar”) without any fish eggs! Posted by Rob on Sep 17, 2012

In this video post, I’m gonna play “Julia Child” and walk you through the recipe for one of my favorite Russian hors d’oeurves — баклажанная икра, or “eggplant caviar,” which is essentially a chunky version of Middle Eastern babaganoush. In fact, the word баклажан (“eggplant; aubergine”) is itself from the Middle East, and was borrowed…
How to Make the Best Pelmeni Posted by yelena on Feb 8, 2011

Do you know that 95% of Russian households have at least one pack of «пельмени» [pel’meni – dumplings] in their freezers? Ok, I just totally made it up. But I can’t be too far off since, according to «статья в Российской газете» [an article in the Rossiyskaya newspaper] an average «россиянин» [citizen of the Russian…
“Котлета” – It is What Hamburger Always Wanted to Be Posted by yelena on Dec 2, 2010

Do you love Russian language? Of course or else why would you be reading this blog, right? Do you also love «готовить еду» [to cook] or «читать о еде» [to read about food]? Then «я настоятельно рекоммендую» [I strongly recommend] to immediately get a copy of a wonderful book called «Книга о вкусной и здоровой…
Russian Food – the Joy of Cooking Beets Posted by yelena on Apr 3, 2010

Let me start with a little ditty by a Polish poet Julian Tuwim that I learned years back in my then-Soviet elementary school: Russian English Хозяйка однажды с базара пришла, Хозяйка с базара домой принесла: Картошку, Капусту, Морковку, Горох, Петрушку и свёклу. Ох!… Once at a farmers’ market a housewife bought And back to her…
Everybody loves борщ [borscht]! Posted by josefina on Feb 7, 2009

There comes a time in everybody’s life when you need to get a little Russia into your everyday existence. Especially if you’re not currently in Russia, but constantly finding yourself outside of the Russian Federation, and thus persistently living without interacting with Russian culture on a day to day basis. Particularly will you suddenly find…