Russian Language Blog

Tag Archives: fauna

Can You Name 10 More Birds in Russian? Posted by on Apr 20, 2017


How did you do with our ten-bird challenge last week? Can you name ten additional birds? Here is a list to help you expand your ornithological vocabulary. 1. Сорока Сорока is a magpie. These birds have a reputation for liking and stealing shiny objects, although this perception has been debunked. There is a popular interactive…

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Can You Name 10 Birds in Russian? Posted by on Apr 12, 2017


One of the areas where have struggled to build up my second-language vocabulary has been wildlife. Perhaps because there are so many different plants and animals and because city dwellers only ever encounter a fraction of them, words for flora and fauna tend to fall by the wayside. Let us correct that deficiency by looking…

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