Tag Archives: International Women’s Day
Superlatives for March 8th Posted by bota on Mar 3, 2021

Does anyone else here have a drawing of their mom or grandma like this one? When I was in kindergarten I had to make one of these for Восьмо́е Ма́рта (March 8th). I actually never finished mine in time for the кла́ссный ча́с (homeroom) and when my mom came in, she saved my grace by…
Why a Sportswear Ad Campaign Blew Up in Russia Posted by Maria on Feb 28, 2019

We are now hitting the “gender” holiday season in Russia. Defender of the Fatherland on February 23 is usually seen as “men’s day,” and March 8 is International Women’s Day. Incidentally, a recent ad campaign by Reebok has started a heated debate—and backlash—around the subject of gender roles, feminism, and appropriate behavio(u)r. A couple of warnings…
March 8 in Russia: Appreciation of Women or Sexist Holiday? Posted by Maria on Mar 9, 2017

Yesterday Russia and several neighboring countries celebrated International Women’s Day (Международный женский день). However, as I was reading coverage of the holiday in Russian-language media, I was reminded that the controversy surrounding the holiday remains. So why do some people think this holiday is outdated or a sham? Background The holiday started as a commemoration of the…
This Weekend It’s All About Her, in Russia Posted by Jenya on Mar 4, 2015
Despite all the political chaos that Russia seems to be afflicted with right now, most Russians will turn their attention away from politics this coming weekend. In Russia, March 8th , which falls on a Sunday this year, is International Women’s Day. If you are not familiar with the origins of this holiday, I recommend searching…
Russian Perspective on International Women’s Day Posted by Jenya on Mar 4, 2014
In a few short days, on March 8 to be exact, most Russian women will wake up in anticipation of something special. For many of them this feeling will be confirmed with gifts of love and affection from family and friends, yet others will face disappointment when their expectations do not come to pass…
International Women’s Day in Russia Posted by yelena on Mar 8, 2011

Today is the day when Russian men «поют дифирамбы» [sing praises] to Russian women. And Russian women, congratulating each other «в стихах и прозе» [in poetry and prose], not so jokingly wish for the day to end. For today, March 8th, Russians celebrate «Международный женский день» [International Women’s Day]. The whole world knows that Russian…