Tag Archives: learn Russian
Things That Get Called Russian – Part 1 Posted by Nadya on Jul 20, 2021

There are some things that are called Russian in the world. But not in Russia. In today’s blog, I will tell you about what is called Russian and why. Nevertheless, not all Russians know it. Russian Mountains – Русские горки The interesting fact is that the oldest roller coasters were called “Russian Mountains.“And they really…
Russian Proverbs About Spring Posted by Nadya on Mar 30, 2021

Probably, people in Russia do not await any other season as much as spring. Finally, the snow melted, the birds started singing, and nature began to acquire bright colors. For a long time in Russia, spring was treated with gratitude and honor. Writers have devoted an endless number of novels and poems describing spring nature…
Russian Classics in Movie Format Posted by Jenya on Oct 1, 2014
The world has seen its share of great writers. Some of them happen to be Russian. If you are at the point where you can read great literary works in Russian, pat yourself on the back – you have come a long way! However, if you are not at that point yet, reading the translated…
Meet Your New Friends: Russian Adverbs Posted by Jenya on Sep 23, 2014

The last few mornings have been relatively chilly, at least in the state of Michigan. As I was getting my fall coat out of the closet, it occurred to me that now is the perfect time to do a post on adverbs. “I don’t see the connection,” – you might say. Well, let me explain…
Nourish Your Body and Soul with “Food of the Gods” Posted by Jenya on Jun 24, 2014
The abundance of summer inspired me to put together this experimental post. This post/show combo provides a healthy dose of Russian, while at the same time helps you discover the magic of… onion (лук), horseradish (хрен), radish (редька), and tomato (помидор) 🙂 . The name of the show is Пища Богов (Food of the Gods). …
10 Particularly Useful Russian Words and Phrases Posted by Jenya on May 7, 2014

These particular words seem to come up in conversations time and time again. Some of them you may already know. Nevertheless, let’s see why the following selection became particularly useful for people trying to learn Russian. Где (where) appears to be a very convenient word because, unlike in English, you do not need to…
Fascinating Russian: Things you didn’t Know Posted by Jenya on May 6, 2014

А, Б, В are not just letters of the Russian alphabet but also words. Technically, there are 10 single-letter words in the Russian language: а, б, в, ж, и, к, о, с, у, я. «А» – conjunction, could be translated as “but, while, and, while, as opposed to” in English. Example: Я предпочитаю сырую…