Tag Archives: money
4 Business Failure Verbs in Russian Posted by Maria on Oct 7, 2019

You might have heard the news that the Thomas Cook travel agency has gone under. The company had purchased two Russian subsidiaries (доче́рние предприя́тия), Intourist (Интури́ст) and Biblio-Globus (Би́блио-Гло́бус), but their management has assured their customers that the Russian-based companies would not be affected. This may be a good opportunity to look at some vocabulary…
Show Me The Money: Slang Expressions for Cash in Russian Posted by Maria on Apr 21, 2016

As you imagine, money is as popular a subject in Russian as it is in other languages. Apart from the neutral word де́ньги, there are multiple slang ways of referring to your hard-earned cash. There are many slang words for money in English and other languages, too; each country will have its variations, to boot…
Finances in Russian Posted by Maria on Aug 7, 2014
This post goes out to all the expats and businesspeople working and doing business in Russia. While finances are generally a good topic to be conversant in, it becomes especially important for those who have to manage their finances abroad. Personal Finances First, let’s look at the ways to manage your деньги (money; always plural)…
Time to Make Money: «Пора рубить капусту!» Posted by yelena on Mar 15, 2010

Recipe for making money Russian-style includes cabbage, beans, ground meat and mysterious bablo.
“Happiness in a time of Crisis” or «Крисиз как источник счастья» Posted by josefina on Oct 21, 2008

It is my favorite word in any language, but especially I love the sound of it in Russian – «счастье» [1. happiness, 2. (good) luck, (good) fortune]. I love how the two first letters «сч» together are pronounced like a «щ» making it «щастье»; an all together soft and pleasing, lovable little part of speech…