Tag Archives: Russian beet salad
Russian Recipe: Beet Salad with Garlic and Walnuts Posted by Maria on Nov 6, 2019

When we talk about Russian cuisine, the same dishes keep coming up—Olivier salad, borsch{t} (arguably of Ukrainian provenance), pelmeni, etc. This time, let’s make a lesser-known—but delicious!—dish popular in Russia: a beet salad. You may remember that beets (свёкла) feature in some other Russian dishes, such as the already mentioned borsch, vinegret, and “herring under…
Joy of Russian Appetizers Posted by yelena on Oct 15, 2010

Last week I went to a «русский пикник» [Russian picnic] here, in Raleigh, North Carolina. It was done “pot-luck” style, so I had to think of something to bring for this «трапеза на лоне природы» [meal in the open air]. As I was thinking up something «вкусненькое» [delicious], yet «быстрое в приготовлении» [quick to make]…