Tag Archives: russian cities
Why Are Russian Place Names So Long? Posted by Maria on Oct 29, 2018

Perhaps one of the things you noticed when visiting Russia is how long the city and street names were. Maybe you never quite learned to sound out the name of the metro station closest to your hotel. “Novo… whatever,” you’d say, before taking off. Why do Russian names have to be so bulky? The answer lies…
Not In My Back Yard: Describing Russian Community Spaces Posted by Maria on Oct 3, 2016
Since Russian cities are often laid out differently from those in Western Europe, North America and elsewhere, the labels applied to various parts of the city may be specific to the Russian language and lack exact equivalents in other languages. The situation may be similar in other countries that use the Russian language. Подъезд The…
In The News: Limited Parking Space in Moscow Posted by Maria on Dec 14, 2015
A thought-provoking opinion piece was making the rounds on the Russian Internet (“Runet”) last week. Moscow politician and activist Maxim Katz has published a controversial blog post suggesting all parking spaces in the city be paid. Let us look at his vision of the problem and proposed solution — in his own words. Issues Katz…
So Provincial! Posted by yelena on May 22, 2012
What cities or towns would you like to visit when travelling to Russia? If you have been to Russia, what cities have you visited? While I am awaiting for your answers (feel free to post them in the comments), I’m going to venture a guess. I’d say that the vast majority of иностранные туристы (foreign…
Uglich Posted by Natalie on Nov 26, 2010

For those of you who don’t know, I have three main passions in life: «история, классическая музыка и литература» [history, classical music, and literature]. And, I suppose, there is a fourth one as well: writing about those three main topics, especially in relation to Russia. So today, we are going to learn «об Угличе» [about…
Riding «общественный транспорт» [Public Transportation] the Russian Way Posted by josefina on Oct 9, 2009

Sometimes «остановка трамвая» [a tram stop] look like this in even a larger Russian city – this picture was taken on the central «площадь 1905 (тысяча девятьсот пятого) года» [‘The Square of the Year 1905‘] here in «Ёбург» [‘Yekat’, it’s Russian slang for «Екатеринбург» (Yekaterinburg) since that takes far too long time to pronounce on…