Tag Archives: Russian food
What Goes With Any Dish In Russia Posted by Nadya on Dec 23, 2020

Mayonnaise consumption in Russia ranks among the highest in the world. On average 95% of Russians eat it (even higher in some regions) and per capita consumption in Russia is from 7 to 11 pounds of mayonnaise per year! Russians are obsessed with mayonnaise (майоне́з) and use it in industrial quantities. They add it to literally…
What is “pознь”? Posted by bota on Oct 23, 2020

What if I told you there was a single word in Russian to help one convey that just because something is labeled X doesn’t mean that all things X are like the first thing X? The word in question is рознь and here’s how it works. You take a Russian noun, put it in the…
Examining a Russian spice rack. Part I Posted by bota on Aug 18, 2020

There are a number of припра́в, пря́ностей, и спе́ций (spices) that are considered standard in any Russian household, whether you are многоде́тная семья́ (a family with lots of kids) or зако́нченный холостя́к (a long-time bachelor). This blog will focus on spices commonly used for savory dishes, while Part II will cover spices used for baking…
Traditional Russian Dish That Is Loved All Over The World Posted by Nadya on Jun 29, 2020

Today we will eat like real barons. Beef Stroganoff is a dish, popular around the world, named after Alexander Stroganov, Russia’s minister of the interior, baron, and count of the 19th century. According to the main version of its history, the dish was invented by a French cook, who served the Stroganovs, Andre Dupont. However…
Things That Don’t Go Together in Russian Cuisine Posted by Maria on Jun 10, 2019

I recently attended a conference in Italy, and I thoroughly enjoyed the advice the locals gave us on following the culinary conventions, such as no cappuccino after 11 AM. This inspired me to write this post, which will look at some food-related “taboos” in Russia. This is all in good humo{u}r, and, of course, not…
What’s Considered a Healthy Diet in Russia Posted by Maria on Feb 12, 2019

With obesity being a worldwide problem, people are talking about the importance of eating healthy. However, it often comes up during cross-cultural encounters that different cultures have different ideas of what makes a healthy diet. Even though it’s impossible to generalize the preferences of an entire country, there are some common themes that come up…
4 Canned Foods Popular in Russia Posted by Maria on Dec 6, 2018

Whether a result of past and present food shortages or a clever way of preserving items, canned foods (консе́рвы) are a staple of the average Russian’s diet. Let us look at four common items you will find in many shopping baskets. Сгущёнка Sweetened condensed milk, officially called сгущённое молоко́ but better known as сгущёнка, is…