Russian Language Blog

Tag Archives: russian internet slang

Russian for Social Media Posted by on May 31, 2017

cell phone with social media icons

As we covered on this blog before, Russians are quite active on social media (социальные сети). Are you ready to talk about social networking in Russian? Here are some handy words. Поделиться Делиться (imperfective)/поделиться (perfective) + object in the instrumental case + с + recipient in the prepositional case means “to share.” Хочу поделиться полезной…

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Russian Internet Slang: «Олбанский язык» or «Жаргон падонков» Posted by on May 1, 2009

If you can’t see the hilarious comic above with Н. В. Гоголь [N. V. Gogol’] burning his second volume of «Мёртвые души» [“Dead Souls”] and the people in the background saying: «Аффтар жжот!» which is Russian internet slang for «автор зажигает!» [the author (of a post etc) rules, i.e. sets on fire], you can always…

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