Tag Archives: Russian politics
Who Will Be The Next Russian President? Posted by Natalie on Dec 13, 2010

The current president of Russia is «Дмитрий Медведев» [Dmitry Medvedev], but many question whether he or «Владимир Путин» [Vladimir Putin] holds true power. One of the favorite activities of a «кремленолог» [Kremlinologist] is speculating about who will be the next president of Russia. Russia has had «три президента» [three presidents]: «Борис Николаевич Ельцин» [Boris Nikolayevich…
Russian Politics 101 Posted by yelena on Jul 22, 2010

Our next guest blogger, Natalie, is a university student studying history and the Russian language. She writes the blog birdbrain and can be found on Twitter at @natalie_. Her interest in the Russian language was sparked by Russian history and a Russian course at university and she’s been hooked ever since. When learning about a…
Billion-Strong Russia Posted by yelena on May 19, 2010

The kind of stuff one can find on Internet without even trying never ceases to amaze me. For example, today I started off at Lenta.ru and drifted over to the brand-new «президент.рф» site, located on one of the first «нелатинский домен» [domain that does not use Roman alphabet]. While at президент.рф, I discovered that…
Russian Word of the Week: Клонирование (Cloning) Posted by yelena on Mar 22, 2010

Take equal parts of science, fiction and the Theatre of the Absurd. Result – a shot of politics Russian-style.
Russia: «не страна, а анекдот!» [not a country, but an anecdote!] Posted by josefina on Mar 16, 2009

I’ve decided to hunt this country not for mushrooms (it’s too early for that) but for cases – «охота на падежи!». Whenever I come across interesting use of cases in the Russian reality around me, I will take a picture of it and publish it here, hoping it can – with time, of course –…