Tag Archives: Russian tea
Things That Get Called Russian – Part 2 Posted by Nadya on Jul 23, 2021

We continue to discuss what people around the world call Russian, except the Russians themselves. Black Russian – Чёрный русский Black Russian is a classic cocktail (коктейль) based on vodka and coffee liqueur. It was created in 1949 by Gustave Tops, a Belgian bartender (бармен). The cocktail recipe is simple: for five parts of vodka…
What Do Russians Like Doing? Posted by Maria on Apr 27, 2017

There may be some (or extensive) coverage of Russian politics, society, and economy in the media, but what do ordinary Russians like doing for fun? Does anything bring joy to their lives, or is it all drudgery, as one may think after reading the grim coverage? Naturally, every Russian would have a slightly different answer…
What Drink Is More Popular in Russia than Vodka? Posted by Jenya on Sep 24, 2014
We all know that the Chinese love to drink tea. So do the Brits. Recent data collected and published by the Euromonitor International, listed the countries that consumed the most tea per person, measured in pounds, and Russia ranked fourth! They stated that the average Russian drinks just over three pounds per year. In comparison…
Tea in Russia is More Than Just Tea Posted by yelena on Jun 27, 2011

If you meet and befriend a Russian, at some point you will be invited over to his or her place. Such invitation won’t be anything formal. Your friend might say «будешь рядом, заходи в гости» [when you are in the area, do stop by] or «приходи, чайку попьём» [come over for some tea] or «будет…