Russian Language Blog

Tag Archives: thematic vocabulary

Russian For Farming Posted by on Aug 30, 2017


Do you like gardening, or perhaps you farm for a living? Then you would probably like to know how to talk about growing things in Russian. This post will list a few common farming words to get you started. Сад Сад translates as a garden or an orchard and is an important word for agriculture…

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Into The Woods: Tree Names in Russian — Part I Posted by on Jun 12, 2017


In my own language-learning endeavo(u)rs, I often find that I have the vocabulary to talk about more abstract subject like governance or culture but don’t know the words for objects in the physical world. If you have that problem, too, you may want to look at our posts about fruit and vegetables, planets, and birds…

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Can You Name 10 More Birds in Russian? Posted by on Apr 20, 2017


How did you do with our ten-bird challenge last week? Can you name ten additional birds? Here is a list to help you expand your ornithological vocabulary. 1. Сорока Сорока is a magpie. These birds have a reputation for liking and stealing shiny objects, although this perception has been debunked. There is a popular interactive…

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Open and Closed: Verbs With -крыть in Russian Posted by on Mar 27, 2017

water valve

Открыть (to open) is one of the first Russian verbs we learn. In fact, its conjugation was covered extensively on this blog. There are many related verbs with the -кры- root whose meaning has to do with opening or closing something. I will be listing the imperfective and perfective form for each verb. Открывать/открыть The…

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Should I Always Say Комната For “Room” In Russian? Posted by on Feb 8, 2017

bedroom with twin beds

What do you say every time you need to name a typically rectangular closed-off space with a door and usually four walls? If you said “комната” (room), that is only part of the answer. Let us look the various ways of referring to different rooms in Russian. Комната — Room in a House The primary…

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5 Distinct Types of Food Establishments in Russia Posted by on Jan 17, 2017

people at the bar

I’ve noticed in the Anglo-American world, the word “restaurant” has been used to describe many kinds of establishments, from upscale eateries to fast-food joints. I would like to concentrate on the connotations of different Russian words for describing places serving food and why they are not interchangeable. Ресторан — Sit-Down Restaurant Ресторан has traditionally referred…

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10 Essential Words For Celebrating the Russian New Year Posted by on Dec 29, 2016

girl making a wish

As we mentioned many times on this blog, New Year’s is probably the main holiday in Russia. Whether you are celebrating it in Russia or talking about it to your friends, here are the words that are certain to come up when discussing New Year’s celebrations in Russia. 1. Ёлка The most important hallmark of New…

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